Join us for Sunridge Community Church’s fourth annual Trunk or Treat! Put on your costume and join us for this fun, community event featuring games, bounce houses, an obstacle course, jousting, a giant slide, and of course, lots of candy! Sunridge’s Trunk or Treat event is a safe, …
The Week
(also known as Vacation Bible School)
Online registration is closed but we still have room. Please come to the 'New Registration' table to sign up on Monday night at 5:45 PM. …
Trunk or Treat 2015
Sunridge is hosting our second-annual Trunk or Treat! Join us with your family and friends on Friday, Oct. 30, for carnival games, food trucks, and a parking lot filled with rows of amazingly decorated trunks for your kids to get tons of candy from. From 5:30 - 6:30 PM, our event will be open …