Giving Tuesday
When you give to Sunridge Community Church, your donation helps fulfill the mission to help people find and follow Jesus. At Sunridge, accomplishing a lofty mission of that importance requires more than excellent, biblical Sunday services; it includes:
- Global outreach through our supported missionaries and Door of Faith Ministries (an orphanage in Mexico)
- Local outreach with supported partners like ICA (International Christian Adoption), Empowerment Village, Community Mission of Hope, Birth Choice
- The MomCo (formerly MOPS: Mothers of PreSchoolers)
- Care and Help through free church counseling, GriefShare, and DivorceCare
- Supporting families that have children with special needs through our Bridge Builders program
- Children and Youth Ministries to support families raising their children from birth through young adults
- Building community through growth groups, study groups, and affinity groups
- And so much more …
Hi. We’re Sunridge,
For over 34 years, Sunridge has been a beacon in the Temecula Valley, shining a light on Jesus. What began as a dream for six couples to plant a church in the growing new community became a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of their church experience or history, to find and follow Jesus.
Sunridge has always embraced the “come as you are” attitude and acknowledged that it’s OK to not be OK. We desire to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey and help you take your next step toward God.
About Giving Tuesday
What: Giving Tuesday started in 2012 to encourage people to do good and unleash the power of radical generosity.
When: While technically, your generosity can and should happen at any time, Giving Tuesday is an annual celebration on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, November 28, 2023.
Who: Anyone with a generous heart.
Why: In his letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul wrote, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Giving Tuesday provides a fantastic opportunity to sow generously and cheerfully.
Donating To Sunridge
When it comes to finances, at Sunridge, we start with the understanding that God owns it all. As followers of Jesus, it is our responsibility to manage (or steward) whatever He entrusted to us well. When someone is ready to take a step toward generosity to our church, we want to make it safe, secure, and easy. To donate, simply click on the button below.