I’m a planner – at least I like to think I am. However, if you would have asked my wife about 5 years ago on Christmas morning if I was a planner, she would have responded with an emphatic “no”. One of our Christmas traditions is to stuff each other’s Christmas stocking with fun and goofy …
Bobservations - Temecula Christian Church Blog
Bobservations: Christmas Offering 2017
There’s just something about the anticipation of Christmas that puts a smile on my face. I love the music, the TV shows (I’m still partial to the Rankin-Bass stop-motion shows from my childhood), getting to use a blanket at night, and even shopping at Christmas time is a little less painful. And I …
Bobservations: Debt
I just watched a Saturday Night Live skit from 2006 with Steve Martin and Amy Pohler. It’s one of those fake advertisements for a book called “Don’t Buy Stuff You CANNOT Afford” (you can watch here). It shows this average couple talking about how overwhelmed they are by debt, and how taking out …