A LOOK BACK Last year during Vision Sunday we presented the budget for the 2017-18 fiscal year. It was an important budget in the history of our church. Not because it increased the overall budget by 21% compared to the prior year’s budget, but because it was designed to move us forward. Within …
Bob Santy - Temecula Christian Church Blog
Bobservation: Gearing Up for Fall
For many people Fall means back-to-school, cooler weather, football, and knowing the holidays are just around the corner. This year, I’m particularly pumped for the return of Fall because my wife and I are leading another 9-week session of FPU (Financial Peace University) starting on Thursday, …
Bobservation: Third Quarter Update
Each quarter, Pastor Britt sends a quarterly budget update email to share all of the amazing things that God is doing in and through our church. In case you missed it, here’s the update from July 3, 2018. Each time I sit down to write a quarterly budget update, I always begin by thanking God …