1 Peter 4:10 "Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." The Sowers sewing ministry stands for Serving Others With Eternal RewardS and the mission of this group is to create handmade blankets, quilts, beanies, …
Church Campus
Children’s Ministry Workers
Join the team that loves kids, keeps them safe and gives them Jesus. Volunteer with Children's Ministry, infants through 5th grade. You can hold babies, play with toddlers, tell Bible stories, craft with preschoolers, teach elementary students or engage with preteens. The choice is yours. Contact …
Our affinity groups are ways for our church family and friends to do things together around a common interest, get to know each other better, and honestly have fun together! These groups will be organized and managed by the contact person for each affinity group. This co-ed basketball group meets …