2023-2024 Fiscal Year-End Report
Recently, I was reading Psalm 145. It’s a beautiful song of praise written by King David. It’s impossible to miss how completely awestruck David is by God’s goodness, glory, grace, mercy, and splendor. As I read the psalm, verse 4 really stuck out and inspired me: “One generation after another will celebrate Your great works; they will pass on the story of Your powerful acts to their children.” (The Voice) Maybe it hit me in a fresh way because I have a penchant for reflection. I love to look back and remember people, situations, vacations, holidays, and songs. Looking back gives me a different perspective on how God was working – even through the tough times when He felt absent. Reflection allows me to see the fulfillment of His promise to be with me.
From Generation to Generation
In my own feeble way, I’ve tried to pass down those moments of God’s presence in our family through photos, videos, notes, and remembrance stones (I stole that idea from Joshua 4). And, without realizing it, I’ve been trying to do it for future generations of Sunridgians, too, through blog posts. My role at Sunridge allows me unique access to stories and numbers that show God’s presence, care, and unwavering love for this church. As we wrap up another fiscal year, I want to share some highlights from October 2023 through September 2024 and how God is working in and through Sunridge.
Stewardship Matters
Stewardship isn’t just for individuals – it applies to organizations, especially churches. We recognize every donation as very generous, and it’s our desire to use it to fulfill our mission. As you read through the report, we hope you see how carefully, openly, and thoughtfully we steward (Christian lingo for managing) the donations to our church. If you have questions, please contact me; I would love to talk to you.
Giving is Worship
Giving is a spiritual discipline and an essential part of worshipping God, just like prayer, reading scripture, and singing praises. On behalf of all the staff and elders at Sunridge, thank you to everyone who faithfully supports this church – your generosity inspires and humbles us.
For those trying to decide if they should give to Sunridge, there are two truths to consider. While scripture is clear that when we sow generously, we reap generously, it’s also true that we are to give joyfully and from the heart. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says it best, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” take your time to evaluate both before you give.
If you’re ready to take that step to give a portion of what God has given you back to Him by partnering with Sunridge, you can find all of the safe and secure ways here.
Thank you for the annual report. You balanced information and figures so that it was not overwhelming, and very easy to follow and understand. It seems that we are on the right track and making progress.
Sunridge is a great steward of the monies donated.
Hi Patricia,
We appreciate your trust and support as we continue to pursue our mission. Thanks for partnering with us!