Bobservations: Why It Matters
Last week a young woman sat in our parking lot and wondered if Sunridge was open because she wanted to talk to someone about God. She Googled us on her phone, called the church office, and met with Pam Dvorak, our Women’s Ministry Director. If you know Pam, you know that our guest met a bubbly, fun, and gracious representative of Sunridge. As the young woman shared her story and what was going on in her life, Pam knew she needed to ask her if she had ever decided to follow Jesus. Right there, in Pam’s office, the young woman gave her life to Jesus. Truly amazing! In 1 Corinthians 3:6-7, the Apostle Paul reminds us that some plant, some water, but God causes the increase. This young woman was in our parking lot because, in 2016, she attended her adopted mother’s memorial right here at Sunridge. She remembered the kindness and love that we showed her and her family. Slowly that seed started to grow. I am honored to be a part of what God is doing in and through Sunridge. And this is just one of many stories of God creating increase because faithful servants were willing to plant and water.
As the staff and elders prepare to start the 2021-22 budget, we are fully committed to our mission to help people find and follow Jesus. But the truth of the matter is since COVID giving is down. If this trend continues, significant budget reductions are inevitable, which is unnecessary and detrimental to accomplishing our mission. Let me explain why I believe we can all be a part of fulfilling our mission.
According to the latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the median household income in Temecula is $96,183. A tithe (10%) of that median income is $9,618 annually or $801 per month. I want to let that sink in for just a minute. If your income is somewhere near the median, God has entrusted you with $96,000 per year to manage. He allows you to steward (manage) 90% ($86,382) of His money and asks you to give 10% back to Him. According to a recent donor analysis (Oct. 2020 – Feb. 2021), Sunridge has a total of 310 giving units that financially support our ministry. Of the 310 giving units, 36 gave at a rate equivalent to an annual income at or above the median of $96,183. However, 170 giving units (yes, over 50%) give at a rate equivalent to an annual income below $30,000.
I don’t know who is reading this post. I don’t know your annual income. But, I do know that God’s Word tells us in Luke 12:34, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” I assure you my intent is not to shame or guilt you into giving; that is a decision between you and God. My intent is to share our desire to carry out the mission before us. Is our mission important enough for you to support? At Sunridge, we carry out our mission through our vision to deepen faith, bring hope, and live love. If you are in that group of 170, I want to challenge you to deepen your faith by allowing your treasure to show your heart. In other words, test God in your giving and see if He does not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have enough room for it. ~Malachi 3:10
If you are ready to support Sunridge financially, click the button below to find out all of the safe and secure ways you can give.
I always get excited when I see the Bobservations link.
Hi Patricia, I truly appreciate your faithfulness to God, Sunridge, and reading these blog posts.
Valuable and eye opening as always Bob!
And a beautiful story about the woman who received Christ.