Bobservations: Second Quarter Update with a message from Pastor Britt
In chapter 16 of the gospel of Luke, Jesus shares a story of a very shrewd business manager as a way to communicate to his disciples that being faithful in how we use “little things” will determine our faithfulness in bigger things. Jesus then goes on to define the “little things” as money. His message is that if you cannot handle money properly, how can you be trusted with something of real value. That parable came to life this Easter as God entrusted Sunridge with something of real value – sharing the gospel with people. Between the three Easter services offered this year, God entrusted Sunridge with over 1,500 adults and 225 children; that’s an increase of almost 10% over the prior year! Praise God!
Each quarter Pastor Britt sends an email to those that financially support Sunridge to let them know how important their financial investment is and the impact it is making. This quarter is no exception. I think it shows, in part, the reason why God is trusting us with more.
Typically, these quarterly letters I send to you (one of our over 500 financial supporters) contain a few of my stories. They also include the phrase, “We couldn’t do it without you” as a way of saying how grateful I am for your faithful sacrifice and support. This note is no different in that way, but with a twist. This time, I’d rather let our family ministry staff tell you their stories, and as a way of encouragement to say, “We couldn’t do it without them.” They are truly remarkable!
- Megan Duren – Children’s Ministry Associate
What do you love most about your role at Sunridge?
The thing I love most about my job is getting to grow relationships with the Sunridge community! From getting to know the volunteers to investing in our families that come to Children’s Ministry, I love getting to know the people in our community!
What’s the best thing that’s happened recently in your ministry?
The best thing that has happened for our ministry was being able to grow and learn as leaders as we recently attended “Catalyst.” At this conference, our Children’s Ministry team got to hear from amazing speakers on the mental health of leaders. We learned ways to keep leaders healthy so we can keep the church healthy. I think growing leaders and keeping them healthy is definitely a win for our departments! - Haley Falcioni – Children’s Minister
What do you love most about your role at Sunridge?
I love being on teams and getting to see all the ways that God has uniquely gifted each person on the team. It is exciting to see how God uses each person’s gifts and talents to do their job well. It’s the best!
What’s the best thing that’s happened recently in your ministry?
“Kids for Clean Water” was an idea from a parent who ran in the LA Marathon with Team Sunridge in 2017. She brought that idea forward, and we were able to champion it. Kids and families caught the vision and jumped in. Now, 110 people have clean water for life because of one person’s idea and bold ask, 70 kids’ “yesses”, and the participation of 43 staff and volunteers - Joseph Lee aka “Mojo – High School Pastor
What do you love most about your role at Sunridge?
I love our students and the team I get to be on.
What’s the best thing that’s happened recently in your ministry?
Beach camping was an awesome retreat. We had so much fun, but the best thing was watching our high schoolers process the topic of “rest” in light of Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. - Danny Sugimoto – Middle School Pastor
What do you love most about your role at Sunridge?
I love getting to guide students towards Jesus in some of the most difficult and most important years of their development.
What’s the best thing that’s happened recently in your ministry?
We held “The Event” recently and had over 80 students show up for free tacos, laser tag, and an invitation to come walk alongside of Jesus. My favorite part of this event wasn’t the numbers (which were amazing and worth celebrating in their own right), but it was the fact that our event was open to students of all abilities. We had a few students with special needs show up. Both our team and our students included them and engaged them without prompting or a primer of “this student has this need so please make them feel welcome.” It was a natural progression and a reflection of the inclusive nature of God’s Kingdom. I’m super proud of our team and our students. - Teddi Thyfault – Youth Associate
What do you love most about your role at Sunridge?
I love that I have a job where I get to come alongside our students and walk through the different stages of life with them. There are times when they are feeling close to God and other times when they are feeling distant from God. I am encouraged by the conversations I get to have with our students and watch transformation happen in their hearts. And this allows me to reflect on how my own heart continues to be transformed. I also love that we get to help students get involved in a community where they have fun, feel loved, and have a sense of belonging!
What’s the best thing that’s happened recently in your ministry?
There are three conversations with students that come to my mind immediately. Each conversation entailed students going through heartbreaking things in their life where they began to doubt God’s character. These students came into the conversation sharing how they were feeling broken and acknowledging the brokenness and feelings of abandonment. But our conversations ended with them knowing and trusting God and His promises and that He is good; that He is for us and not against us. Those were some conversations that were life- giving for not only them but myself as well. This job encourages me and reminds me that God is continuing to work in the hearts of these students who are often dismissed because of their age. I love being reminded that their stories, their lives, and their voices matter.
Now that you have some insight into the passion of our family ministries team, and you’ve heard a story from each about how they see God working through them, I want to tell you why I switched things up a little this quarter. Honestly, I know that giving a regular tithe or offering can be kind of boring sometimes – you wonder if it’s really making a difference. It is. I see that:
- We care about the people of this Valley and our staff. We provide them with the resources they need to grow in leadership and to maintain spiritual-emotional health while constantly giving of themselves.
- Your kids were led to make a real difference by joining their parents in running for clean water – and now over 100 children in Africa have clean water for a lifetime! Kids did that!
- Your high school students are having a blast together in a Christ-centered and safe environment but are also being led to think deeply about what it means to be someone who follows Jesus while growing up in a world that is moving at hyper-speed.
- Your middle school students are having so much fun but are also following Jesus in a way that is helping them see beyond themselves and finding joy in serving others.
- Students are experiencing the love of God and being counseled to process life with all its hurts in a God-centered way that creates soul-health and vision for their future.
We have a remarkable team right now at Sunridge. We couldn’t do it without them. Take an opportunity soon to express your appreciation to our staff who serve us so well. Show them some love. Tell them you appreciate them. And keep giving in a way that allows you to be a part of what God is doing through all of us. We can’t do it without you!
Grateful for all,
This year Sunridge will celebrate its 30th anniversary as a church. That kind of longevity and stability is a testament to God’s faithfulness to this church and our desire to be found faithful and trustworthy. How about you? When Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples, the message was intended to challenge his followers to understand that money is a means to an end, it is not the end goal. If you have not yet joined in financially supporting what God is doing in and through Sunridge, maybe it’s time for you to consider what it would take for you to become faithful in the little things and see how God will trust you with even more.
Wow, that’s a great increase in attendance for Easter. I enjoyed Britt’s little snippets from the staff.