Bobservation: Fourth Quarter Update
At the conclusion of the final quarter of our fiscal year, our Lead Pastor, Britt Sipe, reflected on some of the wonderful things that God is doing in and through our church over the last three months. Below is the fourth-quarter budget update email that Pastor Britt sends to those who financially invest in and support Sunridge.
As I write to you, one of Sunridge’s 528 financial partners over this past fiscal year, I am so grateful for the positive report I have for you. It’s so obvious that God has been prompting you and others to support the mission of helping people find and follow Jesus as never before. Here’s a few financial facts that are encouraging me, and I’m pretty sure will encourage you as well:
- Overall, giving this year was up 17.5% over last year.
- “Per capita” giving (amount per adult on a Sunday) was up 5.3%.
- Our “consistency factor” (percentage of those who gave in all 12 months) increased by 6%, bringing us to a 24% consistency level.
- Our adult attendance grew by 4.8%.
So, are you encouraged? We couldn’t do it without you!
Here are some of the ways your faithful stewardship is making a real difference at Sunridge:
- Because of your generosity last year, we are moving forward with our hallway renovation! Over the next few weeks we will be making some final decisions, plan revisions and then we’ll begin contractor bidding. I am so excited to see the dream of a new look and increased functionality become a reality. You can still give to the hallway and other future renovation plans by designating a gift to the Capital Improvement Fund (CIF). The CIF is a scroll down option on the Pushpay giving app.
- Our Agape Fund helped out a family of five here in the Valley who was in a real financial crisis. One of our members reached out for assistance on behalf of a dear friend and mom who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Even though her husband and oldest children were all working, they were down to just fifty bucks to eat for the week. We were able to step in and help bridge the gap for them until her disability kicked in. Your Dollar Club offerings contribute to the Agape Fund but you can also designate to that fund anytime.
- A little over a month ago, Business and Finance Pastor, Bob Santy, was talking to a young couple introduced to Sunridge through our MOPs ministry. The husband mentioned he had recently prayed to receive Christ…and that was the first his wife heard of it! You can imagine her mouth dropped open! That’s a bell ringer for sure!
- Did you know that every other Wednesday night a team of Sunridgians host a ministry for high school students with special needs? Yep! It’s called Thrive at Sunridge, and they even have their own Facebook page now. A couple weeks ago, one of our volunteers shared a picture of a student receiving her first bible! You’ve probably used the acronym LOL (Laugh Out Loud). That pic prompted me to create a new one, LIMT (Lump In My Throat)!
- One of our goals here in our budgeting process is to resource real ministry to real people, so this year we’re adding staff to our core valued areas: families and gospel outreach:
Meet Teddi Thyfault! Because we value families, Teddi is joining our student ministries team as a full-time youth associate. Teddi comes to us via Hume Lake Christian Camps where she was the full-time lead counselor overseeing more than 100 student counselors, 2000 campers/week and their youth pastors. Teddi received her Bachelor’s Degree from Point Loma University and grew up here in the Valley. I can’t wait for you to see her in action!
Meet again, Lisa Owens! Lisa has been leading our local and global partnerships as a volunteer but will be joining our part-time staff this year. Lisa is currently working on an Intercultural Studies Master’s Degree at Fuller Seminary. We made one of our largest budget increases in history in Outreach this year, and I feel so fortunate to have Lisa leading us forward in bringing the hope of the gospel to the world.
These are just a few of the ways your giving is making a difference at Sunridge. Thank you for partnering with us. I’m so grateful to be serving alongside people who truly long to touch the people of our community and the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.
Thank you Sunridge. We couldn’t do it without you…nor would we want to!
Pastor Britt nailed it on the head; your giving is making a difference. If you are new or have not yet financially invested in what God is doing at Sunridge, I’d like to challenge you to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially and help us to accomplish our mission of helping people find and follow Jesus. Here are a few ways to jump in:
- Text “pushpay” to 77977 and download a free app
- Donate through our website (click here)
- Drop a check or cash donation in any of the give boxes located throughout the facility
We are so humbled and thankful for your generous and sacrificial giving that is allowing Sunridge to make a difference in the lives of so many. It’s an absolute joy to serve with you!
“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this,” says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing until it overflows.” ~Malachi 3:10
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