Oct 13, 2019

Wholeness shattered

Britt Sipe

We live in a day of big problems. Some seem unsolvable —poverty, racism, religion extremism, politics, and the disintegration of families—to name a few. As Christians, we know that the Bible tells us the gospel brings hope to all the great problems of our day. But, if we think of the gospel primarily as the means to our personal eternal salvation, it can seem unrelated to earthly issues. That's why we need to be reminded of the whole gospel. The gospel is the good news that through the redemptive work of Christ Jesus, we are rescued from the consequences of sin, restored in our relationship with God, and then invited to partner with Him in reconciling the broken relationships of our world. “Made Whole” is a collection of messages about the holistic nature of the gospel ‒ the good news of reconciliation and healing that Jesus brings to all things.

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