Feb 9, 2020

Christian living 101 Col 1-9-14

Britt Sipe

It happens so easily. It's subtle, undetected. Unwittingly, we add to the doctrine of salvation through “Jesus plus.” Jesus plus good deeds. Jesus plus the right Bible translation. Jesus plus a certain method. Jesus plus the right political persuasion. Jesus plus was a struggle for the church in first century Colossae too. To them, the right rituals were just as important as the right Savior. In his Letter to the Colossians, the Apostle Paul reminds them of the centrality of Jesus Christ. The gospel is nothing unless it is based on Christ alone. Through Him, they have everything they need for salvation and for life. Our study of Colossians reveals how a Christ-centered heart is reflected in the way we think, how we live, and the way relate to each other. This means Christ must be central in how we do family, how we work, and how we live out our faith with one another.

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