We are more divided than ever in this country over politics: We’ve lost friends. Some members of our families no longer speak to each other. Churches are divided, too. Some are scared about what the future holds. Most are exhausted by it all. You may be surprised to realize that this is nothing …
Women’s Bible Study: The Faithful
Would you love to learn from crucial moments in the lives of Old Testament heroes? If the sound of that excites you, we're pleased to offer a new Spring 2024 Women's Study: The Faithful. In this five-session study, Tara Thomas will lead you in exploring crucial moments in the lives of five …
Parenting with Love and Logic
We are excited to invite you to join us for a 6-week parenting book study led by Juanita and Neal Kilambi. "Parenting with Love and Logic" is a practical guide to help encourage your children's character growth and learn to establish healthy boundaries with your children through easy-to-implement …