Our annual Trunk or Treat event is back! Date: Friday, October 30th, 2020 Timeline: 5:00-5:30pm: Exclusively for kids and teens with special needs 5:30-7:00pm Open to the public Where: The Sunridge Parking Lot -- Directions This year’s Trunk or Treat will be modified to be …
The Week (VBS) 2020
Our Summer Bible Camp for Kids, COVID-style Join us for "The Week" (Sunridge’s version of vacation bible school). It looks a little different this year, but we’ve been working hard to create a fun and engaging program for your kids. The first three days of The Week will be a special at-home …
Image Bearers of God
If there’s one thing that this quarantine season has taught us, it’s that our church is not about a building. We are the church! We want to highlight that because we know that God is working in and through you as the body of Christ in important ways. During the God Is sermon series, we want to bring …