Image Bearers of God
If there’s one thing that this quarantine season has taught us, it’s that our church is not about a building. We are the church! We want to highlight that because we know that God is working in and through you as the body of Christ in important ways. During the God Is sermon series, we want to bring our attention to the ways that you, as Sunridge, are bearing His image in the world around us.
We are asking you if you will tell us about that! We want you to film yourself in a little 2-3 minute video on your phone, telling your story about a part of God’s character that He has shown you and how you are reflecting that character. Or let us know about someone you know in our church family doing this!
If you want to know more, have questions, or are ready to submit your video, email Heather Fretz at
Check out these submissions of image bearers of God at Sunridge
Kelly Taylor
Lisa Whitesell
Courtney Hall
Melissa Lindow
Mojo Lee and Shea
Shaye Combe
Ray & Kitty Everett
Lisa Stewart
Sue Fisk
Carrie Moore & Sue Cook
Phil Lawrence
Julia Rogoff