On Sunday, September 21st the Elder Board presented Britt Sipe to the Sunridge congregation as the Lead Pastor candidate. (Click here to view the presentation and Britt's response.) If you were not able to be there, I recorded a video message that quickly recapped our process over …
Uncategorized - Temecula Christian Church Blog
Reflections On Ferguson
Matt Chandler – More on Ferguson and White Privilege: The challenge with white privilege is that most white people cannot see it. We assume that the experiences and opportunities afforded to us are the same afforded to others. Sadly, this simply isn’t true. Privileged people can fall into the trap …
Distinction Between “Sharing the Gospel” and Being “Gospel Centered”
Here at Sunridge we have been speaking of being “Christ centered and gospel saturated” as part of our theological "reboot." While many churches "share the gospel," we are seeking to make a statement about a refocused theological conviction that the gospel message underlies every passage of …