I’m amazed at what people are doing with dominos now, besides playing the games that is. There is even a term for setting up dominos in order to knock them down in a fascinating fashion; they’re called, “domino tricks.” Evidently I’m not the only one who is fascinated; the first domino trick we …
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Britt’s Thoughts, 4/5 Sermon, “Three Days of Easter: Sunday”
Resurrection. We can use that word so casually, even flippantly. But isn’t Jesus having conquered death one of the most startling events in history? The empty tomb is big news, more than, “You can’t keep a good man down” news. It’s startling, astounding, staggering, eye rubbing, head scratching, jaw …
Britt’s Thoughts, 3/29 Sermon, “Three Days of Easter: Saturday”
For the disciples, if Friday was fear for their lives, great sorrow, and grief for their friend, then Saturday was wandering aimlessly and the loss of everything they had hoped in. Friday was the death of a loved one; Saturday marked the eternal “firsts” of living without their loved one. Friday is …