This year is a milestone in the Santy home because for the first time in 25 years, Diane and I will not have dependents to claim on our taxes. While I could easily bemoan this personal loss, instead I choose to celebrate the rite of passage for my youngest daughter, Mattie, and help her file her …
Bob Santy - Temecula Christian Church Blog
Bobservations: Quarterly Update Q1 2020-2021
In January of 2017, Pastor Britt and I thought it might be helpful for Sunridge if I shared some of my observations on both the state of Sunridge's finances as well as provide some personal finance tips. Over the last four years, these blog posts covered topics on giving, insurance, budgeting, debt, …
Bobservations: Top 5 Financial Tips for 2021
Finally, it’s the end of 2020! Like so many of you, all I want is for this year to be over and for 2021 to usher in something different, something better. Yet, none of us really know what the future holds, that’s why it is so important to put our trust in the One who holds the future. But that …