This Sunday afternoon (3/9) from 3-5:30pm we will hold our 3rd all-church Summit in the worship center. Child care is provided and we will eat together with the kids in the youth room at 5:30pm when Summit 3 concludes.
The elders, staff, transition team, and search team are seeking your input. Attendance at the first two summits IS NOT required in order to attend Summit 3.
Congregational summits are a place where we…
- Listen afresh to God
- Discern His leading
- Clarify our future by understanding the past and the present
- Get to know each other better
Here’s an overview of our transition journey:
- Assessing (Summit 1, Where have we been?)
- Discovering (Summit 2, Where are we?)
- Dreaming (Summit 3, Where is God leading us?)
In Summit 3 we will be asking,
“Where is God leading us in the next season of fruitful ministry?”
The difference between Mission and Vision:
- Biblical Mission states the reason for existence, answering the What? question. Biblical Vision describes a future reality from God’s perspective, answering the How? question.
- Mission clarifies; Vision motivates.
Questions we will be considering at table groups during Summit 3:
- If we knew that we could not fail, what would we do for the glory of God (in this valley and beyond) and the growth of His kingdom?
- What unique ministries will be functioning?
- How will our church have impacted our community?
- What kinds of people will your church be reaching?
- If God could have his way, what would our church look like 5-10 years from now? What would look different? What would feel different? What would be different?
We will conclude by responding to a final question: At Sunridge, we intend to help people find and follow Jesus by (or through)…
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