Who, What, & Why
The Post is our young adults ministry for those who are generally post-college or in their mid-20s to mid-30s. At Sunridge, we recognize the need for friendship and a sense of belonging, regardless of your season of life. Because responsibilities increase and relationships typically decrease as we age, The Post exists simply to provide a space to connect with other young adults at Sunridge on a monthly basis. Our hope is that this monthly, informal gathering serves as a launching point for ongoing friendship and connection.
When & Where
The Post meets for lunch at the Ryan Bros Patio on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 12:15pm. This gives us access to several eateries and coffee, along with spacious, outdoor seating. In addition to this monthly gathering, we’ll keep you in the know for quarterly events or other outings. Be sure to join our mailing list (info below) to stay current with what we have going on.
If you have questions about The Post, please contact Hannah Johnson at johnsonhannahn@gmail.com