P=mv. That’s the formula for momentum. Momentum = mass x velocity. Every object has mass, and if that mass is moving it has momentum. Momentum is everywhere: It’s momentum that carries your bowling ball down the lane. It’s momentum that allows you to get better mileage on the freeway than in town. The more mass and speed an object has, the more momentum – which means that Jim Brown had A LOT of momentum! (For those of you who are not big football fans, Jim Brown is one of the greatest running backs of all time).
Momentum holds the secret to a domino trick too. Providing the design is good, once the first domino is pushed, (the initiating energy) a chain reaction follows, (aka domino effect) each domino striking the next, until the last domino falls. The dominos continue to fall, as long as another force doesn’t resist and overcome the momentum. The whole thing depends on that first push, and each domino fulfilling its purpose – falling on the next. Hmmm, kind of reminds me of the gospel.
The big push? The Cross, and Jesus’ words, go and make disciples of all nations (Matt 28:19). And so the momentum of the gospel started. Those dominos have been tipping for a little over two thousand years, and now it’s down to us, you and me.
Referring to their pre-conversion days, the apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, you were dead in your transgressions and sins (Eph 2:1). In other words, before the gospel hit us, we were incapable of any movement – stationary dominos we were, BORING! But, once the gospel fell on us, we could move and breathe as an entirely new creation, and for the first time, we were capable of tipping like a domino as God designed!
As mentioned previously, linear momentum will perpetuate, providing no forces resist it, that’s why each domino falls like it should, and that’s why domino tricks work. But, people aren’t dominos, and we resist – a lot. Here in 2015, so much momentum has been carried forward from the time of Jesus to us; the only question is, “will we tip?” We can be hoarders of the blessings of God. Sin can keep us from tipping; insecurity too. Laziness and hardheartedness might be a factor as well. J The truth is we have a lot of resistance in us. It’s a lot more natural to just tip your domino. The laws of physics say it is, anyway. And, isn’t it kind of boring to think about just being a sedentary, stationary domino for the rest of your life? I don’t see any youtube videos of that, by the way. So, why are you standing there? Tip!
Something to think about.
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