The following books are classics. If you haven’t read any of them it might be helpful to read them in order 1-7.
- Basic Christianity (John Stott)
- The Weight of Glory (Lewis)
- Prodigal God (Keller)
- The Transforming Power of the Gospel (Bridges)
- Mere Christianity (Lewis) / The Reason For God (Keller; a close second – rapidly becoming a classic)
- Knowing God (Packer)
- Desiring God (Piper)
One volume theology overview: Systematic Theology (Grudem)
One volume reference: New Bible Dictionary (Marshall, Millard, Packer)
Where to begin reading the Bible:
A great place to start reading the Bible is with the gospels of Mark and John. Mark is a fast-paced account of what Jesus did and John focuses on what Jesus said and claimed about Himself. From there, move on to Acts, the sequel to Luke’s gospel. Acts sets up the letters of Paul, Peter, and others that follow in the New Testament. Read Romans next for a grace-focused collection of the basic teachings of Christianity.
Bible Translations – 3 Types:
- Word-for-Word Translations: These versions seek to translate the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic word for word into English. Sometimes readability is sacrificed for accuracy.
- Thought-For-Thought Translations: These translations seek to take entire thoughts and put them into English instead of being concerned with taking it word for word.
- Paraphrase: These are the most interpretive versions of the Bible. None of them claim to be a close translation of the original text nor should they be taken as such.
Web Resources
- The ESV Online Bible
- – There are over 50 books by John Piper and other authors that are free to download.
- – Basic Greek and Hebrew word studies (among other things)
- – An online evangelical encyclopedia of biblical Christianity
- – An online parallel Bible
- – Great for good commentary on particular verses
- – Where our Children’s Ministry and adult Sunday School curriculuum comes from
- Chrisitan Classics
- GospelInLife — Tim Keller resources
- New City Catechism -A joint adult and children’s catechism consisting of 52 questions and answers.
i always thought of the westminster confession of faith, shorter/larger catechisms, and louis berkhof’s systematic theology as great “primers” of the faith…
Yes, good call Danny.