Sunridge –
On December 1st Britt Sipe will officially begin his role as the permanent lead pastor. In my final weeks as the intentional interim lead pastor I would like to blog my reflections regarding what I have experienced at Sunridge during the last sixteen months as well as my hopes for a preferred future at Sunridge. My goal is to post something 2-3 times a week for the next six weeks. I’ll call it “Transition Talk.”
*A side note: This Sunday we will resume our David: Renaissance Man series. Britt will be speaking (2 Samuel 7).
Two of the most impressive ongoing ministries at Sunridge are our worship and tech teams. I have NEVER worked with a church that had zero drama on the worship and tech teams before. And not only has there been no drama but the week after week excellence has truly been amazing! We certainly have some of the best leaders and talent in the valley. (Consider going by the tech booth or one of the camera operators and saying a big “thank you!” one of these Sundays.)
Here are some thoughts about worship[1] to consider…
Christian worship is not just a platform for our expression, it is a sacred space for the Holy Spirit’s transformation (or, sanctification) of us.
Worship does not begin with singing but with our HEART bowing and lifting our EYES to the Creator and Redeemer, yielding in submission, surrender, and reverence.
So, worship is so much more than a song. It is equally an activity and an attitude, a melody of praise and a heart of humility, a moment of devotion and a LIFESTYLE of responsive obedience.
Worship can only happen when the heart has been empowered and enlivened by the SPIRIT of God.
When the heart has been enlivened by the Spirit of God, it longs to release an expression of praise. We exalt God as we EXULT in Him.
In worship, we MAGNIFY God, we “boast” in the glory and truth of who He is and what He has done.
Worship should CHANGE us. As we gaze upon the glory of the Lord, we are transformed by the impact of His presence upon our lives.
Worship brings us FACE to face with our own sinfulness, and carries us to the foot of the cross where we encounter the grace, mercy, and forgiveness of Jesus.
Biblical worship always lifts high the CROSS of Jesus, and finds its climax in the Gospel, that is, in the atoning work of God through Jesus on our behalf.
My encouragement to you, Sunridge, is:
- To prepare your heart to (really) worship each Sunday
- To seek to be there on time
- To let one of our amazing worship teams lead you into the very presence of God
[1] Adapted from Daniel Radmacher
I loved this! Thank you Greg!
I too, want to see our attendance, focussed to be on time for our worship!
The music has been so uplifying & enspiring! All great talents we have @ Sunridge is right!!
Thank you too, for your dedication, to our Church. Your life too has been altered, but this is what you do. You have given so many sermons that have been right on!! I for one, will miss that. I’d like to personally meet you & your wife before you both leave us, I hope.
Bless you, your time, & your family,
Linda Smith