There is a strong sense that Sunridge is turning an important corner. Much has been accomplished in the last few months. The overwhelming goal, as we launch our search for a permanent lead pastor, is that our relational, ministry, and organizational systems all undergo a thorough refocusing and rebuilding. There has also been a need for some relational reconciliation and rebuilding trust, which takes time. I am reminded of Isaiah 40:31…
Those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary.
Here is an overview of what has been happening:
- Our elders have been instituting a policy governance model as well as moving into frontline ministry – beginning to meet regularly with home groups leaders to build relationships and eventually to coach and resource them.
- Every staff member has an updated role description with specific ministry and personal objectives. Developmental reviews are scheduled for May.
- The Transition Team has provided ongoing wisdom and insight as well as organizational expertise in planning our three all-church Summits as well as our all-church fasts, suppers, and nights of extend worship and prayer.
- Our Search Team has provided thoughtful input for the application content, process, and format of the search.
- A college age ministry (1824) has been successfully launched.
- There is a quiet but intense prayer movement surging through Sunridge. Several regular and spontaneous prayer gatherings have been added. The regular prayer gatherings include Tuesday morning, pre-service, prayer during each service, a prayer ministry team, and three all-church fasts and evenings of extended worship and prayer in the last six months.
- We have an emerging consistent leadership development track with Leadership Community Gatherings scheduled through the Fall. The Transition and Search Teams have also proven to be exceptional leadership development hotbeds.
- Ken Munsey has been added to the staff as a Community Pastor. One of his roles is to build a “Connection Team” to more actively and intentionally follow-up guests and newcomers to Sunridge.
- Our theological “reboot” is taking root. If our mission is to help people find and follow Jesus (Acts 17:26-27) we need to make sure that Jesus is at the center of all that we do.
- We held a relational reconciliation forum last Sunday evening. There was honest, humble, and emotionally healthy dialogue with forgiveness asked for and given.
This is awesome! So blessed to be a part of the tough stuff and all the awesome things that are taking place as we move forward! Thanks staff, elders, and transition team!
So agree with Ellie!! Sunridge and our family are so blessed by the dedication of the Greg, the staff, the elders, and the transition team!! Thankful for all that you are all doing for Sunridge!! Keep up the good work!! Excited to be moving forward!! God is good!!