Detailed Overview: July-Dec 2013
- We have a focused vision for the transition season that is the result of implementing a theological “reboot” emphasizing the gospel as the central theme of the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation:
To glorify God by helping others find and follow Jesus (Acts 17:27). We will accomplish this by making a refreshed commitment to becoming Christ-centered and gospel saturated in all aspects of our lives, ministry, and mission including:
- Growing in our capacity to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15)
- An effective governance model that nurtures the relationship between the congregation and governing body (1 Peter 5:1-4).
This will culminate in the calling of a permanent lead pastor who will team with Sunridge and engage in a new chapter of ministry fruitfulness in the valley and around the world.
- We invested five months on two sermon series’ teaching through the Sermon on the Mount, which lays out Jesus’ core teaching, establishing a foundation for how the gospel of the kingdom of God gets worked IN and THROUGH our lives.
- We are in the process of switching our Children’s Ministry curriculum[1] to a gospel-centered focus that will show how Jesus Christ fits into the entire gospel story from pre-creation to eternity and where each child fits into it. This curriculum will also invite and encourage parental partnership to follow-up with family devotions.
- We have been actively repairing trust issues between the staff and elders.
- Our staff is incorporating four new ministry staff members and is developing into a high functioning team. (And we are listening, learning, and laughing together!)
- All staff Role Descriptions are being rewritten and will include specific ministry outcomes (goals) and well as personal outcomes (personal growth and development). Regular performance reviews for all staff including the lead pastor are also being scheduled.
- The elders have embarked on a refreshed study of the biblical role of eldership through studying selected Bible passages and reading books such as “The Shepherd Leader” by Jim Van Yperen and “Christ in Church Leadership: A Handbook for Elders and Pastors” by Dorman Followwill and Paul Winslow.
- We have also explored and are implementing a governance model that will minimize meeting time and maximize ministry opportunity for our elders as well as provide freedom and accountability for all staff members including the lead pastor.
- We have a high functioning Transition Team made up men and women who are providing input on the recommendations from the diagnostic report, leading book studies, conducting research, praying together, and planning all-church events.
- Many people at Sunridge have been developing emotionally healthy spiritual life and relational skills through reading books like, “Making Peace” by Jim Van Yperen. (The sermon series’ also addressed these issues.)
- We have initiated a Sunridge By-Laws update and revision.
- We have a Search Team Chairperson (Eric Anderson) and are currently scheduling interviews with nominees.
- We have initiated quarterly “Leadership Community Gatherings” to inspire, instruct, interact, and intercede with all ministry leaders at Sunridge.
- We have fasted as a church to seek God’s will and wisdom. (More to come…)
- We have begun a series of all-church Summits to evaluate our history, our present, and our future as a church. (Summit 2 is scheduled for January 26, 2014 from 3-5:30pm with dinner to follow.)
- We have initiated “Nights of Worship and Prayer” (incorporated with all-church fasts) into the rhythm of Sunridge church life. (The next one is scheduled for January 15, 2014 from 7-8:30pm.)
- We have established a high functioning Preaching/Teaching Team to incorporate the gifts and skills of Sunridge leaders as well as provide the reTURN/CRM Team with sufficient time to address and implement the recommendations of the diagnostic report.
- We recently celebrated twelve baptisms of children, teenagers, and adults over two services and at the annual women’s dessert six women placed their faith in God’s saving grace and fourteen rededicated their lives to Christ.
Its an exciting time to be a part of Sunridge.