The current vision statement of Sunridge states:
We will maximize our God given opportunity to unify Sunridge by humbly:
- Recommitting to be Christ centered and gospel saturated in all we do (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)
- Embracing conflict and growing through it (Ephesians 4:15)
- Developing biblically based leadership and governance that prizes relationship, focus, and accountability (1 Peter 5:1-4)
Notice the first bullet point states we aim to be “Christ-centered and gospel saturated.” This means that we intend for Jesus and the good news of the gospel to be central in everything we do.
The Gospel Project has offered a summary of the Bible in 300 words to identify the central themes of the Bible and to speak clearly and specifically about the ONE overarching narrative of the Bible. Every story and every character in the Bible point toward the BIG story of salvation through Jesus Christ. Once we “see” this the Bible begins to make sense in a whole new way.
Think of the Bible as a four act play…
- Creation
- Fall
- Redemption
- Restoration
The following summary traces and identifies these four acts (or, main biblical themes) and concludes with an invitation to respond with repentance and faith. See what you think…
In the beginning, the all-powerful, personal God created the universe. This God created human beings in His image to live joyfully in His presence, in humble submission to His gracious authority. But all of us have rebelled against God and, in consequence, must suffer the punishment of our rebellion: physical death and the wrath of God.
Thankfully, God initiated a rescue plan, which began with His choosing the nation of Israel to display His glory in a fallen world. The Bible describes how God acted mightily on Israel’s behalf, rescuing His people from slavery and then giving them His holy law. But God’s people – like all of us – failed to rightly reflect the glory of God.
Then, in the fullness of time, in the Person of Jesus Christ, God Himself came to renew the world and restore His people. Jesus perfectly obeyed the law given to Israel. Though innocent, He suffered the consequences of human rebellion by His death on a cross. But three days later, God raised Him from the dead.
Now the church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned by God to take the news of Christ’s work to the world. Empowered by God’s Spirit, the church calls all people everywhere to repent of sin and to trust in Christ alone for our forgiveness. Repentance and faith restores our relationship with God and results in a life of ongoing transformation.
The Bible promises that Jesus Christ will return to this earth as the conquering King. Only those who live in repentant faith in Christ will escape God’s judgment and live joyfully in God’s presence for all eternity. God’s message is the same to all of us: repent and believe, before it is too late. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved.
That is one of the best and most succinct summaries of the Bible I’ve ever read. Thanks for posting that Gregg!
This summary is very much colored by Calvinism. The actual Bible message and content are only covered in the first three paragraphs. The fourth paragraph is a sermon by the summarize.