Supported Missionaries

Novo Ministries

Kevin and Colleen Brown

Vancouver, Washington

Kevin serves as the Chief Operating Officer for Novo/CRM. This means he leads the teams that represent all that it takes to support 611 ministry staff serving around the world, from I.T. to the operating budget for the whole organization. What is unique about this role is that he is given the privilege to use his gifts and build teams that ultimately make Kingdom contributions in 100 countries around the world.

Colleen’s focus is a tent-making role that has her working with at-risk and homeless students and families in a large local high school. She is on hiatus with Novo’s Staff Development & Care team as she focuses on her other role and moves toward training in counseling and spiritual formation.

They have 3 young adult daughters and a new son-in-law, and call Vancouver WA home right now.

Reach Beyond

Ray and Kitty Everett

Athens, Greece

Ray and Kitty serve with Reach Beyond, working with refugees from the Middle East/North Africa region. Ray works with short-term teams coming to Athens to serve with one of their ministry partners, facilitating training and logistics and serving alongside them. He also serves with the Men's Ministry at Helping Hands and manages one of their locations. Kitty teaches marketable skills like sewing, embroidery, jewelry making, needle felting, and mixed media to Farsi-speaking refugee women and helps them start micro businesses. She is also privileged to teach at women's gatherings, kid's art camps, and other venues. One of their hopes is to open a retail space for the students to sell their products. Hospitality is another focus of their ministry, and they love having others gather around their table or take advantage of their guest room.

When visiting California, where their daughter Becca and her husband Matt live, they call Sunridge home. They are so very grateful for the Sunridge community and the love and support they pour into their precious family.

Novo Ministries

Alex and Amy Galloway


Alex and Amy Galloway were sent by Novo/CRM many years ago to develop and oversee a ministry hub in Southern Spain called Sent Well. As part of a multidisciplinary team there, they provide counseling, training, leadership, transition coaching, and spiritual direction for missionaries, families, and humanitarian workers from all over the Middle East and Africa. Their critical work focuses on people in transition: people moving cross-culturally, marriages in crisis, teams in various stages of growth (or implosion), and gifted people in burnout or a spiritual desert. As a clinical psychologist, Alex has specialized interest in trauma recovery, marriage counseling, internet addiction and the holistic care of God’s people. He enjoys encouraging, equipping, and empowering those who minister on the “front lines.” Amy makes a special contribution to the team with her deep love for women in ministry and their families. She ministers and trains in areas of discovering calling; parenting and co-parenting, managing transitions and women in leadership.


Kenny and Elyse Pilbin


Pioneers empowers gospel-driven Christians to journey to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached. They have 400+ teams in over 80 countries, helping plant churches and make disciples from deserts and mountains to cities and jungles.

Elyse serves as the Director of Edge, Pioneers' short-term missions program for college-aged adults. Through the extensive and intentional mentoring and coaching process, Edge participants are spiritually equipped, culturally prepared, and interpersonally and relationally trained. For 8-12 weeks in the summer, Edge participants get to experience real missionary life and see and experience what it looks like to be a globally-minded disciple of Christ.

Kenny contributes to this ministry by faithfully leading their family to pursue Christ. Kenny enjoys praying for each Edge participant in the program and serves with Elyse during Edge Orientation and Debriefs.

The Pilbins are passionate about unreached people groups (people that have little to no access to the gospel) and mobilizing the next generation to bring the gospel to the nations!

Compassion International

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry pairing compassionate people with children living in extreme poverty to release the children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty.

Door of Faith Orphanage

Baja, Mexico

For over 50 years, Door of Faith has served orphaned children and poor communities. With about 100 children, DOFO is one of the largest orphanages in Baja.

Sunridge is honored to partner with DOFO financially and through short-term trips.

Please contact Nicole Garcia at to make donations.

The Gideons International

The Gideons International is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about Jesus by associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and providing Bibles and New Testaments. While most recognize the Gideons for their work with hotels, they also place and distribute Scriptures in strategic locations so they are available to those who want them and those who may not know they need them.

VitalChurch Ministry

Over the past 30 years, VitalChurch Ministry has come alongside over 130 churches ranging in size from 30 to 1,200 congregants in 19 different states. It's our mission to cultivate vitality for churches in transition. By the Grace of God, our pastoral presence, proven process, and data-backed assessment tool allow us to help churches display the character of Christ through five targeted outcomes: gospel values embedded, gifted leaders empowered, effective governance established, compelling mission embraced, and discipleship pathways engaged.

Latest Sermon: Feeding 5,000; Walking on Water; Bread of Life
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